Hot Springs in Turkey

Turkey treating a health problem or simply your soothing waters of natural mineral baths and relax the country’s better-known spa centers being late to attain peace and spacious .

Mentioned on our website , which includes one of the hot springs , you can arrange a tour full of joy and fun .

Turkey’s natural healing properties of the spa has become very famous since ancient times and was constantly in vogue .

Hierapolisantik city, dazzling white calcareous rocks and on the slopes in a smooth layer , which flows down the mountain to give my izzle . Here on earth enormous circular basins , steam and water -rich mineral waters of Pamukkale source of votes and formed .

No doubt , Kaunosantik Lycian city residents even before the year near Lake Koycegiz have stayed in the mineral-rich mud . Health and have found peace .

Balçova / Izmir hot springs known for their therapeutic properties and are used in Roman times, the Baths of Agamemnon , is located on the site .

Bursa is the first capital of the Ottoman Empire , to Uludag (Olympos mountain ) nestled up against . There are natural hot springs Grasshopper on the site of an earlier Roman and Byzantine bath complex Murat 1 (1359-1389) during the period from the Ottomans to build a huge complex of domed bath is requested.

On the shores of the Aegean , Cesme, natural mineral waters and the sea is renowned for its therapeutic qualities .

On the south coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara and in the midst of lush green forests , Yalova spa offers natural treatments for a variety of diseases , mineral-rich waters give life .

This site is described in the thermal waters of the hot springs tested by the Ministry of Health of Turkey , and also has the approval thermal waters safe for drinking . All content presented to you absolutely onlayl terms of health , tourism places are continuous .

The most popular spas in Turkey is concentrated in the western Marmara and Aegean regions in Turkey’s largest city , Istanbul, Izmir , Ankara and easily accessible.


Highly recommended you for the good ones spas spa facilities are listed below:

Adana : Haruniye
Opium: Omar Gacek ( for boxes )
Ankara: Kızılcahamam , Ayas, Haymana
Balikesir : Gonen
Bingol : Costa
Bolu: Great Hot Springs
Bursa: Grasshopper, Oylat
Canakkale: Kestanbol
Çankırı : Çavundur
Denizli Pamukkale , Karahayıt
Diyarbakir: Cermik
Erzurum: Let Pau
Izmir: Balçova, Cesme, Şifne
Konya : Tamarisk
Kütahya : Shamrock , Harlekin
Manisa Salihli
Mugla: sultanas
Rize : overnights
Sakarya: kuzuıuk
Samsun : Ladik, Basin
Siirt: Billoris
Sivas: Coil
Van : Hasanabdal
Yalova Yalova Thermal , Pear

This is not luxurious private spa are some of the main advantages in the natural environment is being able to enjoy the benefits of therapeutic . During his visit to Turkey to live a life of the old ones and treat yourself with a natural health treatment .

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