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General Information
” King of the Mountain ! ”

1 BC at the summit . century the King monument famous for Turkey’s borders beyond the Mount Nemrut imposing and stunning views of people the creeps … here once the sun rise or sunset you’ve watched dozens of colors mingled these views in mind easily coming out!
Nemrut Mountain can be reached between the months of May and November . In other months , due to the region’s unique climate and geography , mountain climbing is not possible . Roads and mountains full of snow does not allow passage .
Adiyaman, 83 km, 48 km away Kâhta Nimrod who can be reached by taxi or minibus . Mulberry Narince and after passing through the van until you are walking nearly a mile to the summit . With mules can climb the peak from the National Park .
Mount Nemrut, King of Commagene I. Is an open-air temple was built by Antiochus . Located in the Temple statues of gods and the king’s mausoleum is estimated to be found in the tumulus of Mount Nemrut , Adiyaman province within the borders . Southeast of the Taurus ( with tümülüsle 2150 meters) is considered to be the highest point on the summit archaeological remains, not only in our country , has built a reputation in the world ….
Things to Do
The most attractive thing in Nimrod is tumulus of Antiochus . There are eagle statues on both sides of the entrance of the tumulus . The ceremony road,
The first noticeable in Nemrut , Antiochus tumulus … Tumuli have eagle statue at the entrance on both sides . 180 meter long way eastbound and westbound breaking ceremony . Body found ten meters statues lined up in case they turned their backs on the tumulus . From left to right Apollo, Mithra , Helios, Hermes, Commagene goddess Tyche -Fortuna, Zeus, the chief god , Oromasdes , King Antiochus , Heracles, we see the statue of Ares .

The statues on the western terrace lined up in the same order . The 19 stars on the lion’s neck and the date of the month to the throne of Antiochus says. Antiochus by the mother of Alexander the Great , is said by the father based on Darius . So in all the sculptures reveal the influence of Persian and Greek . Some of the crowned heads of gods adorned with .

Arsmei the capital of the Kingdom of Commagene in the place known today as the Old Castle … Old Castle New Castle Memluklular’a made ​​by the opposite .

Mount Nemrut, only to see the sculptures and reliefs can not be visited . With the views of the sunrise and sunset in the famous … Dinner gradually lost among the clouds , the sun rising in the morning by doing the opposite , audiences will experience unforgettable moments . Without haste slowly, showing the face of the sun’s light
around , changing according to month , consists of a riot of colors : purple , magenta, violet, red …

At night, after sundown , comes to the stage this time months . If there is a full moon , you can catch from the summit a magnificent view of the Euphrates !
Outdoor Sports
Nemrut mountain hiking , paragliding and mountain climbing tours are organized in a very convenient … Area . June to October is the best season for this type of activity from …
PUTURGE , Battalgazi , Adiyaman


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