Turkey Scuba Diving Guide

Turkey Scuba Diving Areas

Scuba diving in Turkey Information

Turkey Scuba Diving GuideScuba diving in turkey is relatively new but is developing along with the tourist industry in Turkey. The warm weather in Turkey makes scuba diving possible all year round; however, the scuba diving season begins around April when average water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Turkey is 18C. The height of the scuba diving season in Turkey occurs in August where the waters reach temperatures of 30C. Turkey offers a wide variety of scuba diving options including reef diving, wall diving, cavern diving and wreck diving. Scuba diving schools operate at most big resorts so you can get trained in scuba diving if you aren’t already a scuba diver.

Scuba diving sites in Turkey

Although there are some scuba diving sites on the Black Sea resorts of Turkey, Scuba diving in Turkey is especially popular around the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. Most tourist resorts on the Southern coast of Turkey have scuba diving sites and offer scuba diving trips. Some of the most popular scuba diving sites in Turkey include Alanya, Antalya, Bodrum, Kas, Marmara, Fethiye and Gallipoli. All of these scuba diving resorts also have plenty of non diving related things to do, including yachting & sailing, so they are ideal for family trips where not everybody is a scuba diver. The standard of scuba diving centres conforms to international standards with PADI certified scuba diving centres at most tourist resorts in Turkey.

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