Cash Machines:
Can I use the local cash machines?

Cash machines (ATMs) are available throughout Turkey, accepting major European credit and bank cards and instructions are often available in English. It is advisable to inform your bank in advance that you are travelling to Turkey as some will automatically put a stop on cards after the first use in an attempt to combat fraud.

Credit Cards:
Can I use my credit card?

International credit and debit cards are widely accepted in shops and restaurants throughout Turkey. However it is advisable also to carry cash for the smaller shops and cafes, particularly in more rural areas.

What is the local currency?

The local currency in Turkey is the Turkish Lira (TL) available in the following denominations: banknotes: 5, 10, 20, 50 &100 TL; coins: 10, 25 & 50 kuruş and 1 TL.
Cash can usually be exchanged without commission at bureau de changes (döviz), banks and hotels. Exchange rates are published daily in Turkish newspapers and can also be found in web site of Turkish Central Bank at (please click “bugün” under “TCMB Döviz Kurları” on the left column).

What should visitors dress in Turkey?

There are no hard and fast rules but it is best to use common sense when deciding what to wear. If staying on a beach resort it is fine to dress as you feel comfortable. For city breaks relaxed clothing is the most suitable with comfortable shoes and casual trousers and/or a dress if you intend to do lots of walking. When visiting mosques you should take off your shoes at the entrance and ladies should cover their hair; often scarves are provided on the way in. Both sexes should dress modestly with no shorts and arms and shoulders covered during visits to mosques.

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