
General Information
” Mesa paste and national parks, natural treasure .. ”

36 km to Izmir . Located in Manisa, is one of the most important cities of the Aegean region . BC ‘s first settlement , according to Homer . XIV. century . It is believed that the establishment . Today, history and natural beauty, historical sites, museums , national parks, Mesa festivities attracted the attention of tourists every year with a little more Manisa agricultural, industrial and commercial aspects of our provinces also important .

In the province of the Mediterranean climate in the plains and valleys of terrestrial type, in the mountainous region and the Central Anatolian plateau continental climate effects are seen . Summers are hot and dry, while winters are cold and rainy compared to the coastal belt . Manipur is rich in wildlife . Therefore, it is worth seeing nature in all seasons .

Manisa is on the main highway linking Istanbul to Izmir . It is 36 km away from Izmir . Salihli , Philadelphia , Ahmetli and Turgutlu districts of Ankara- Izmir highway. Manisa is possible to reach directly by rail . Philadelphia Salihli, Ahmetli , Turgutlu district of Manisa and İzmir line towards possible to travel by rail . If the airline will prefer to Izmir will reach here by road will come to Manisa . In a similar way by sea is possible to reach the first Izmir, Manisa then . Istanbul – 529 km from Manisa . dr. 562 km distance between Ankara and Manisa . dr.

Manisa, a great Greek nation , which was founded by Magnet . These mountain Pelion in Thessaly in Greece with rivers of Peios idyll sits in the city of Magnesia . In this region belong to the same tribe had a well MAGNET city . Magnets to the residents of this city was being called . After a lot of changes Manisa name , the city where it was founded , with the exact date of foundation is not clear at present with the help of some of the information and the presumption of them , it is possible to determine the truth about . Just specify in Manisa, where the initial establishment , as some sources suggest , and thought Manisa where the ruins of the castle and city walls , and now the name is not a top of the mountain called Sandıkkal .

Wining and Dining
Meat and dairy products are the main nutrients , although Manisa fruits and vegetables constitute the foundation of the kitchen . Some dishes such as pastries and donuts in pita with veggies and meat used in conjunction with various plants seen. Still another is the location of olive oil in the kitchen area . Manisa kebab, blessed thistle , artichoke stuffed , purslane, twisty winding , bean garlic sauce , to sinkont , bagel bread, dessert mushrooms , turmeric and sweet are the favorite dishes of the region .

Manisa ‘s famous Mesa Toothpaste the year we can find , as well as Yunti Mountain , Kula, Gordes and Smith rugs and earned a reputation in Manisa , traditional hand- woven carpets , gold and silver jewelery, cotton underwear and outerwear visitors with great interest by are receiving goods . In addition, copper, silver, brass, wood carvings and souvenirs as Sile cloth , crepe stall with various kinds of clothing can be purchased .

Manisa is one of the richest province in terms of spas . Brackish water to drink , Kula district, 18 km . away , is the village of Martyrs . It is good for digestive tract diseases . Environment is of great interest to the public . Water temperature is 10 degrees . Ilıcası Philadelphia , in the district of Philadelphia , Philadelphia creek near the five major pooled . Water is very abundant . Philadelphia locals bathroom will benefit in the summer . There is a hotel . Magnesium bicarbonate is a water drinking , particularly in terms of loss of bile , gall bladder disease and intestinal disorders are good. Other than that, the Cherry Springs, ECE Mineral Eskihisar Spas , Emir baths ( hot springs ), the thermal springs , Sardar spas ( mud bath ) are available.

Izmir, Balikesir , Kutahya and Usak .

Months compared to the average lowest and highest temperatures ( ° C)

January: 1/9 February: 3 /11 March : 6/16
April: 11/22 May: 13/27 June: 18/31
July: 22/34 August: 22/36 September: 18/29
October: 14/23 November: 6/16 Range: 6/13
special Days
Karaelmas Culture and Art Festival in the town of Soma , since 2000 is celebrated every year on May 28 . Çağlak in Akhisar Festival , 11 – 20 between May , Grape Festival in Philadelphia
5 September at September 3, Independence Day Festival ” Festival of Culture and Javelin ” Selendi at 1 to 3 September between
It is celebrated during three days . Besides, Atatürk’s arrival in Manisa on October 10 is celebrated every year in the framework of local celebrations .

Leaded Thermal

» Location: Salihli is located within the municipal boundaries .
»Transportation : Salihli 6 km from the town center . away.
» Water temperature : 52 degrees
» PH Value: 5.8
» Features: Bicarbonate, Sulphate , Calcium, Sulfur – Hydrogen , Carbon dioxide has a composition .
» Applications: Drinking and bathing
» Diaesses Treatment : Rheumatism, skin respiratory tract, female , nervous disorders , post-operative and joint diseases such as arthritis makes a positive impact .
» Accommodation Facilities : 70 rooms, 210 beds serves accommodations .

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