
General Information
“Lakes region … ”

Burdur, in the western part of the Mediterranean region , is located in the lake district . During the Byzantine period was called POLYDORION . According to a claim , POLYDORION word , before ” Polydor ” as has been said , then changed to Burdur lands, the Western Taurus queues roughly in line in the northeast, the lake district, in the southwest from the Teke peninsula inland refers to 6887 km2 ( excluding the lakes ) extend in an area . The province is rich in lakes , bounded by faults deep in a pit located in southwest Salt Lake Burdur with her ​​, Yarışlı karstic lakes and Kestel , Willow and lakes are Gölhisar .

Close to the continental climate in Burdur outweigh mediterranean climate . Aegean, Mediterranean and Central Anatolia due to a passageway between the Burdur area shows a characteristic climate . Hot summers , cold winters has a continental climate . Therefore best season to go is the Spring and Summer seasons . The lowest temperature ever in Burdur -16 , the highest temperature is +39 degrees .

Burdur, western Mediterranean region Afyon in the Aegean region , Isparta and the Central Anatolia Region roads leading to connections at a very important geographical konumdadır.kütahy Afyon- out from the highway passes through Burdur and Antalya or ulaşır.b road freight and passenger transport is quite yoğundur.il There are 553 km of roads within the boundaries . It ‘s 360 miles . Si state roads, 193 km si is the way the province . City transport is by road in the first degree . Afyonkarahisar highway connections with other provinces of Burdur , Konya, Antalya is out . Istanbul – 602 km from Burdur . dr. Ankara – The distance of 423 km from Burdur . dr.

Region Local Transportation
Ağlasun, Yeşilova, Parish , Gölhisar, Karamanli , Kemer district transportation is provided every day of the Burdur . Insuyu Cave , Salt Lake and Köroğlu Bel Forest recreation areas , Azizia Forests, Tymbrianassos , Sagalassos ( weep ) , Cremna ( summerhouse ) and Kibyra ( Gölhisar) Ancient Cities , Burdur Ulucamii , Divanbab Shaykh Sinan and Stone ( Tasdemir ) Mosques , Baltaoğlu , Old Airport , Plate Baths, dehydrated and fig Han Caravanserai historical places and fly from the city center by bus transportation is provided

Burdur, Şahkulu a few months during the uprising remained in the hands of the rebels . In 1839 , one of the city’s leading families who witnessed the uprising of Çiloğul with Çelikpaşazad are Burdur, the same year of the province of Konya-Karaman Hamid (Isparta) flag was brought to an accident situation . Burdur live in 1852 , an accident in 1867 , was starboard again . Free flag Burdur in 1920 , with the proclamation of the Republic in 1923 became a province . Hamidoğulları countries have passed to the Ottomans and Burdur into their own abandoned after the accident and has lost its importance . Ottoman era in Burdur, there has not been a work to be considered important by the government .

Things to Do
30 km from Burdur . Located at a distance of Ağlasun 7 km.kuzey Akdag was established in the south-facing slope . Antalya and Isparta region linking the old road passes through the ancient city . In the era of classical Greek capital of Psidia . If the Cibry in the area of the ancient city 108 km from Burdur . away. Gölhisar in the forest west of the town of kurulmuştur.kal on three stigmas are used in various marble and stone block walls being understood by the classical Greek era where there is a town here and in the city of Rome is that these settlements built on . The area is also a must-see in Insuyu Cave . Burdur – Antalya highway, 12 km of caves located in the 597 -meter-long gibidir.suy a window into the world of imagination and the stomach is known to treat diabetes .

Wining and Dining
Burdur province rich in Anatolia is one of our kitchen . Most meals eaten , tarhana soup, bulgur pilaf , buttermilk, onion win meat or rice fried on a large piece of drawing which is called meat, hair pies or meat pies , testi kebab , water pie is . Burdur between patients Testi kebab dishes , pumpkin dessert, include walnut butter .

Coppersmith Bazaar in the city center ‘s very possible to find copper utensils and gift items . Again, examples of civil architecture in the city center of Ottoman mansions to be seen Taşoda and Rainbow structures. Up-market neighborhood located in the manufacturer “in Walnut Butter is known as” the specific kind of sweet bought , can be sampled and relatives and friends to safely can be offered sweet nature taşımaktadır.y Burdur province -specific ” Burdur shish known as” dishes in the province all the restaurants and in restaurants edible.

Outdoor Sports
60 km from the city center . from Salt Lake Yesilova 125 km2 located in the county area with fresh water and is suitable for all kinds of water sports . Furthermore, the region is also suitable for camping and trekking . Ağlasun Yeşilbaşköy County near the town on the road to a very ” live trout ” facility is located. Also in the region is visited as a picnic area .

23 km from Burdur province . away , is Yarıköy . Remove the rocks from the three sources . Remote sulfur smell is emitted. Is not conducive to drinking or bathing . However , by sniffing , is recommended for patients with respiratory tract . The water temperature is 18 degrees .
In the same area Insuyu drinking bicarbonate, calcium and bromine -containing waters are . Candy, stomach, intestine and is good for metabolic disorders . Burdur – Antalya is on the way . Minibus services are performed.

Isparta, Antalya , Bursa , Denizli .

Months compared to the average lowest and highest temperatures ( ° C)

January : -2 / 5 February : 0 /8 March : 3/13
April: 7/18 May: 9/23 June: 14/29
July: 17/32 August: 19/35 September: 13/27
October : 9/ 21 November : 3/12 Range: 1/10
special Days
Atatürk’s arrival in Burdur Burdur Fork Spring every year in the locality is celebrated on March 6 . Furthermore, various festivals are held in the region . Each year the first week of September, Washing Sheep Festival
Tefenni – Hasanpaşa in the village , 3-5 September in Burdur in the Republic Square of Culture and Art Festival
are organized.

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