Foça Map

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General Information
” Seal the date with ”

One of the favorite holiday resort of Foca Izmir … Domestic and foreign , especially Norwegian favorite holiday resort of visitors who are receiving visitors each month of the year in Foca . Not as big as other resorts and improved Foca … Small, quiet and ideal to relax in a fishing village view more …
Foca holiday resort in Turkey, the longest-lived of the holiday season … Summer, winter visitors to the area every season in Foca, as well as domestic visitors from European cities are taking . Foca , especially the Norwegians have embodied quite .
Which is 70 km from Izmir Foca, Izmir Gulf of Çandarlı Bay is located on the peninsula . Despite this, the region has no access to the sea . If you want to come with airlines to Foca Izmir can use the Airline . Thereafter a 70-km road trip is staying back . If you prefer transportation by bus from Izmir transfer must do so again . Izmir Foca moving vans able to find from the bus station …
Foça is estimated to be about 3000 years of history . Of the islands in the bay of the city’s name due to the great similarity seals are known to come from Phokaia . BC 9 century , who emigrated from Greece , the Athenians settled to this day around Foca … Give the name of the city is believed that this people .

Foca, was one of the largest centers established by İonlar . 12 Ion union connected to one of the cities of Foca had a large harbor and the period had one of the most powerful naval fleet . Be destroyed by the Persians in 546 BC , the city was included in the later Roman Empire . 13 century Genoese given to the city , stayed in the Genoese until the year 1455 , the Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror in 1455 by the Ottoman Empire joining the war for many years was used as a base .
Things to Do
Fig Island Foca Foca falling on the opposite side of the island and one of six protected areas at the same time … One side of this small island covered with greenery, chic restaurants do not , but every kind of fish you can eat the small , says the restaurants available in the crac … Also near the sea, you can eat grilled fish on wooden tables . Other than that, Fig Island and other islands to swim in the bay ‘s extremely convenient . These islands in the Mediterranean monk seals at the same time from where they live … Seals on the rocks and Sickle Siren ‘s most .

The islands are home to seals , as well as in the seagull ‘s . Especially spectacular sunset on the island of fig …

Foca distinctive architectural features and some disused house famous for carrying … Here comes the Stone House at the beginning of the places to be seen . Stone House, a distance of 10 km to Foca appear in front of . Called Siren Rocks and cliffs resembling seals who has time to do the one place you must see … The most noticeable of these rocky cliffs located on the island of Sickle …

Yet another place to be seen Fatih Mosque built by Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror … Mosque, history lovers review of places to visit … Which is considered the world’s oldest theater and the theater , in the Temples of Athena and Cybele excavations continue.
Wining and Dining
Foca town of seafood and fish in all respects … Here you able to eat all sorts of fish depending on the season … There are also local fish . Trophy fish with garlic yogurt sauce poured renewed an example of them … When I heard that fish is a combination of yogurt , although a little hesitant people Yogurt Cup , in Foça specialties …

Restaurants Fokai of our restaurants , we can recommend you come alone . Again, interesting and rich menu Kenya Stork Restaurant offers a feast to visitors . Figs on the island , in the countryside , choosing one of the richest varieties of fish , you can eat a delicious meal overlooking the sea . Also while you’re Foca Foca we recommend wines to taste .
As in all the tourist town of Foca a carpet and kilimci paradise … Aegean slightly more affordable prices compared to other tourist cities in Foca … Numerous jewelers and silversmiths , particularly attracts the attention of foreign visitors .

Tuesdays established Foca Market attracts great interest , especially foreigners . Here in silver from fruits and vegetables , souvenirs and beach accessories from the clothes to look up to everything you can find an extremely affordable price .
Havana Bar and places like Ibiza Bar frequented by visitors of various nationalities point in case … Büyükdeniz dozens of quaint café-bar on Beach Street , is attracting great interest from the evening , this place is frequented by lovers of nightlife venues …. Crocodile and if places like Vertigo , for those who love music and dancing after dinner is one of the places incurred .
Outdoor Sports
Figs sailing is done on the island . Apart from that giant plants surrounding beach volleyball, table tennis, canoeing, billiards, cycling common … Village roads around Foca proposed for trekking and nature excursions . The natural beauty of the area attracts nature photographers quite . With various water toys on the beach and enjoy the sea , as well as be able to live a pleasant excitement …
Old and new in Foca town government health institutions, health centers and dispensaries available … Accommodation facilities on-site health services in the surrounding area who are also hosting . In some resorts are filled by nurses and medical assistants . Foca comprehensive health service is being provided at the State Hospital . In addition, more than ten pharmacies in the county in order to satisfy several demands on health issues …
Cesme, Alacati, Izmir , Aliaga, Standing
Holidays with Children
Foca quite suitable for families with children is a resort town … As a subsidiary of the county council ‘s nursery . Children in large installations thanks to the kids club and animators can have fun . Apart from this , which is safe and clean beach, children’s play areas in the park -like small will make their holidays more enjoyable .

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