
General Information
“Marmara Tekirdag riviera ..”

Tekirdağ to the west of the Black Sea coastline is a city rich with beautiful beaches and scenic beaches. Motorway links with coastal town of Tekirdağ, with the environment as well as your taste also appealing features necessary to visit a ilimiz.b natural wonders that Uçmakdere, Palace in the district Çamlıköy (Kastro) coast a tourist paradise.

Tekirdağ is our coastal cities will be visited in summer and winter. M.Ereglisi and vicinity long sandy beaches, shallow and calm sea with a complete holiday resort. The cottage 80 miles from Istanbul, Tekirdağ and 38 kilometers away in the winter months due to the holiday weekend looking for. Tekirdag ease of transportation, as well as sites with social facilities, fish restaurants, always with the convenience of shopping in demand. In addition, clean air, natural image and also attracts attention by being intertwined with

Those who prefer the highway from Istanbul to henna detour away from heavy traffic can make a comfortable journey. Despite this weekend in sunny highway toll booths, as it is east of the city is the scene of dense deposits in this section. If you opt to go to Tekirdag car TEM-80, E-84 and D-100 highway runs through the province. It is 132 kms from Istanbul and Tekirdag. The 585 km from Ankara Tekirdag. is

Tekirdag Province of strategic importance due to its geographical location, the walkway between the Anatolian and Balkan region, because of the proximity to Istanbul passing through the Straits relations of Asian and European nations Tekirdag was tightly connect to the history of Istanbul. Tekirdag on the coastline, according to research from the surface region in the Early Bronze Age (3000-2000 BC) have been intensively settled. In Thrace in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (1400-1000 BC) has been a huge wave of migration. Ergene marks and Maritsa basin encountered a dark period after this wave of migration begins.

Things to Do
Tekirdag archeology and ethnography museum was founded in May 8, 1967, to its current building in 1992 (Governor’s Mansion) moved to the Thracian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Republican period many works are exhibited. Tekirdağ is a town worth a visit with the surrounding counties .. Malkara Tekirdag with museums and historical places to visit in the museum hall where the stone artifacts include.

Wining and Dining
Tekirdag are just going to eat dumplings .. do a lot of the city’s famous meatballs köfteci although the two oldest in the city center köfteci the most attention. If the two parties came to the table to cool swollen finger fluffy dumplings alongside the special chili sauce, green pepper, pickles, is enough to open your appetite. Another fish in the region should be the preferred alternative.

Sludge is 7 km from the center of Tekirdag province’re Yarapa. away. Bicarbonate is a resource. All types of mud baths benefit in rheumatic diseases.

Edirne, Istanbul, BSNL,

Months compared to the average lowest and highest temperatures (° C)

January: 0/5 February: 2/8 March: 5/12
April: 9/16 May: 13/21 June: 17/26
July: 19/28 August: 21/30 September: 17/24
October: 14/19 November: 7/14 Range: 5/10

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