
General Information
” The central location of Anatolia , Kayseri … ”

An exceptional city in the middle of Anatolia … Cuisine , famous for bacon … Indispensable historical and cultural richness … Falls , Sultan Marshes , natural beauty amongst nature who want to spend a holiday break with a difference that can be easily affected and those in search of relaxation is a city of Kayseri … To hear , but do not be read , only the sand, the sun is not too different beauty you’re after , a visit to this beautiful area .

Skiing facilities in Kayseri Erciyes in Kayseri plays during the winter months . You can go skiing from November until May . If you are aiming to ride to the city , May, June ideal time … From July to September, the summer heat will be seen , even the city of Kayseri are leaving , they prefer cool place .

Kayseri airline, impossible to reach by road and rail … Kayseri Erkilet Airport , Configure military airports , but also serves to civilians . Railway so not preferred , although comfort of ways to last longer at a disadvantage … From Istanbul to Kayseri can even get your day to arrive . Road of the most comfortable and affordable mode of transportation … 11 hours from Istanbul , Ankara can have five -hour trip to Kayseri . Large firms , as well as offering comfort as Silk City and local bus companies also can choose.

Region Local Transportation
Local bus companies will take you to surrounding towns . A widespread network of bus and minibus in Kayseri . Minibuses a multi-point route based moves. However, outside Tabby Plateau on foot you can visit almost every location . Especially if the seasons, garden , walking suggest .

Mazak , Kaisareia , Kayseri … 6000 year-old city … BC Hittites from Anatolia in 2000 , have recorded near Kayseri ( Poodle ) have been established . BC Independent Cappadocia in 280 under the name of Mazak is the capital city of the kingdom will not believe it but maybe 400 thousand people lived . A.D. 17 , which is the capital of the Roman province in the name of the region is now Kaisareia . Byzantium in 395 , 691 and 721 years between the Arab invasions of the Seljuks in 1071 , the city suffered through domination . The city then Danishments respectively , Mongols, and in 1398 the Ottoman Principality Eretna goes into administration .

Things to Do
Kayseri, the world’s largest extinct volcanoes that stretch on a plain at the foot of Erciyes 500 thousand people lived in the Central Anatolian province of a …
Bahçecik pieces made of soft , high ceilings, small but plenty windowed houses , hanging balconies , balconied houses and four seasons woven with wet cobblestone Keçikap will offer you a whole new atmosphere .

Although there is traffic coming days in preparation for a nice combo as you’ll enjoy the wide boulevards on foot . Is the best place to visit Republic Square … Considered a symbol of Kayseri built of cut stone clock tower here … The tower, constructed in 1919 adjacent to the Muvakkithane Watching the sun used to determine prayer times . Walking along the streets leading to the square of the four directions and in this walk Kayseri Castle , the Grand Bazaar , the nomadic tent , reminiscent of the tombs dating from the Seljuk possible to see today …
Located in the city center at the Archaeological Museum of Early Bronze Age pottery artifacts , Frik , Helenistlik , Roman and Byzantine artifacts compiled around Kayseri and , of tumuli graves uncovered Beştepeler and strange gifts on display. Sultan Marshes Bird of paradise frequented by nature lovers …
If Kültepe of Turkey’s most important archaeological sites … Public museums in the Soganli Yeşilhisar ruins … 3-7 th century AD belonging to the Byzantine period Domed Church , White Church , United Church , Snake Church , Hidden Church of Mary Church, Church Geyikli in this region … Yeşilhisar the virtuous , Doganli , Başköy and Arabs churches in the villages of Nevsehir and Goreme churches in the sequel …
Melikgazi Tomb, Rotary Vault , structures such as the Great Mosque of the major works of Turkish-Islamic architecture …

In the Ethnography Museum of Kayseri and the surrounding woodwork, metalwork , manuscripts , carpets, rugs, men’s and women’s clothes, jewelry and ornaments are on display. The city also Medical History Museum ( Gevher Nesibe Museum) and Atatürk ‘s House Museum .

Wining and Dining
Kayseri cuisine is based on meat and pasta dishes . Ravioli of worldwide fame to spread. Most of the old Turkish taste of bacon specialties of the region … Iskender Kebab is also gaining an additional flavor in Kayseri . At the exit of the Grand Bazaar in Alexander Lokantası’na kebabs and meat dishes are not saturated . In particular, we recommend the Alexander . In the same area minced pita pitta and other types of derivatives bearing the characteristics of Kayseri cuisine you can taste .

Bazaar showcases wandering around and inside the castle ablaze , you may be surprised when you see the array of arrays of gold . Necklaces , bracelets twisted than the thickness of a fold will increase astonished . Kayseri for gold, not a touristy stuff … here is seen as a gold jewelery and investment . After dazzling gold showcase of sausages , bacon , and of all the spices of the East upon the call of the Grand Bazaar can wander . Bacon and sausage is still the most important foods for Kayseri … Bazaar important structures surviving from the Ottoman Empire to the present day … The market was held in 1853 in Ottoman architecture vernacular architecture as well as its own unique identity stands . The bazaar, PİRİNÇCİ the Hacıef historic bazaars while the other was …

Yahyalı Bunyan and quite common in the production of hand-woven carpets woven at home … usually dyed with madder and region-specific carpets are exported to Europe and America . Established in the house looms halıcık say that about 5 thousand people will give you an idea . Rugs in villages still touch despite very little is produced for commercial purposes . If you Erciyes in Kayseri in the summer and fall your way mullet in the foothills of Plateau should be strong . City bus flies to the springs . In bulbous will say no to the beauty of the rag doll .

Outdoor Sports
Erciyes kayaksever favorite of … From each group of skiers on the slopes you can see . The facilities here are quite lively in the winter months … Hisar Sultanmarshes and Green zones and nature photography, and hiking, as well as ideal for hunting … Accelerated during the winter months when hunting in spring, nature walks, picnics are made. You can pınarbaşı in angling . In particular, you can catch trout , this region is famous for trout .

Kapuzbaşı team waterfalls, a spectacular natural wonder … Heights ranging from 40 to 76 meters consists of waterfalls and is the country’s largest waterfalls team .

Both state and university hospitals in Kayseri , as well as private organizations affiliated hospital ‘s . Gevher Nesibe a major health care provider Hospital … Things you should not care about health , climatic conditions …

Nevşehir , Yozgat , Nigde, Konya

Months compared to the average lowest and highest temperatures ( ° C)

January: -6/1 February: -3 / 7 March: 1/14
April : 5/19 May: 8/22 June: 12/29
July: 12/29 August: 14/34 September: 8/25
October: 6/20 November: -1/11 Range: -3 / 7
Holidays with Children
Erciyes in the city in a comfortable holiday resort for families with children with invites . It is a safe and clean city . Whether skiing Whether you come to see the history and natural beauty , whether shopping , your children can bring peace of mind .

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