
General Information
“Urartu capital!”

Van mind when the first thing Van cats and Lake Van guess … However, colorful rugs, carpets, herbed cheese, cat, honey, silver, castles and churches and famous is a city that Van As you explore them another nice beauty that you have and you’ll be fascinated to see!

Welcomes visitors during the summer months. It is very cold and snowy winter. Winters are long in Van pass. In summer, temperatures are rising fairly. The effect of terrestrial Lake Van with the effect of two little breaking breaking continental climate, but this is not enough to completely remove the effects of the middle. Between July and August is the hottest time. Most rainfall is during the months of April and May.

Pain After 7 km from Dogubeyazit our way. If you deviate from the path of Van approximately 170 km. You are Van’d later. flown from Istanbul to Van transportation is very convenient … var.ayrı flights every day for those who prefer the highway there are buses.

Van “the oldest known settlement, Urartus for many years, which was the capital Tusba … of Van city name Urartu era were said to. BC 9th century later, Urartus by Biyani country, Assyrians by Nairi country was known as. Wasini-read Biyani name It is said that once turned to Van.

Local people of the region BC They were Hurrians who lived in the region in 3000. Hurrians, the original inhabitants were the majority of the kingdom of Urartu. Kingdom of Urartu then removed by the Medes. When it comes to a time closer to the Byzantine forces occupied after 395 Van, was seized by the Arabs in the middle of the 7th century, Arab events in the region lasted until 890.

In the 2nd century, passing into the hands of the Anatolian Seljuk Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in 1534 seized. In 1915, which was occupied by Russians and Armenians in Van April 7, 1918, liberated from enemy occupation.

Van Rook, Meher Gate niche, Akdamar Island located in the Akdamar Church, hawthorn Turkish Cemetery and early Turkish burial traditions that provide clues about Ahlat Tombs Van absolute must-see historical monuments …

Things to Do
Van mind when the first thing the Van Lake “nude must see! Out flowing one foot is not water bitter, salty and alkaline lake, which coves and bays with a small sea of ​​the moment though because the need of Van here lake, not the sea, they say. Lake Van on the shores of Seeing puzzled by orchards located 20 km from Edremit the promenade “is reached via a car like.

Altough most famous of the four islands in Lake Van, a church which is located on the Akdamar Island … The island is also an interesting legend dating from is a love story of Akdamar in söyleniyor.göl, Kusadasi, Carpanak and Gadir islands by renting a kayak or ride in the summer, you can navigate to the motors expired.

Van Castle Another important place … The oldest known Urartu inscriptions, King of Urartu in this castle, which was built by ı.sardur bulunuyor.ahlat Cemetery and tombstones, burial customs is reflected in the early Turkish. Not only in Anatolia Cemetery, the largest cemetery in the Muslim world is of great importance in terms of being.

Outdoor Sports
Located a few miles south of Lake Van, circa hawthorn Artos Mountain, alpine meadows and turf grass skiing skating with outdoor activities …

Tatvan, Pear, hawthorn.

Months compared to the average lowest and highest temperatures (° C)

January: -7/1 February: -7 / 4 March: – 2/7
April: 6/14 May: 8/19 June: 13/26
July: 15/28 August: 16/29 September: 10/24
October: 7/17 November: -1 / 9 Range: -2/7


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